It may be simply happen that you know most of concepts and even you are very good student but sometimes before the examination you feel somewhat nervous taking various thoughts in the mind. You can get good marks when you avoid thinking non sense and make proper use of the given time. so here we go
start from the index.
go on easy and clean detail
for neumericals, prepare a concept notes or point out some important related points which will be helpful to a greater range and for theoretical examination you need to concentrate on subject matter. so far as possible prepare good notes and learn headings of the answers and try to perceive the matter rather than cramming it.
Time Management-
time management plays a vital role in framing designation of our future tasks. you are so advised to manage time so far as feasible considering some important points in mind such as what to read, what is important? and so on.
Avoid Questioning yourself
It is seen that while you study there may come stupid and somewhat non sense questions in your mind and you are strictly advised to ignore them all, they may be like, how much will i score? will i be able to come first in the class? will i pass? what will come in exam paper? and so on.
these type of questions put you in dillemma.
just pay heed only to the matter you are to read and comprehend.
Be confident-
Always be confident. Never loss your confidence. During the exam time you need to say yourself slightly that you can do, you will do and you will absolutely do and see you will get better consequence than you would have actually expected.